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Perimenopausal Women’s Wellness Study

For the purpose of this study, respondents below the age of 35 years and above 65 years are excluded as they are not in the age range of perimenopause and have not identified as perimenopausal.

Demographic distribution of respondents

Awareness around perimenopause

Issues faced by perimenopausal women

75% of perimenopausal respondents believe that these issues are due to perimenopause; and 50% feel that these are caused due to general ageing.

Whereas more than 70% respondents who did not identify as perimenopausal feel that these issues are caused due to general ageing itself.

Hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain are the top 3 issues which are faced by more than 50% of the respondents who identify themselves as perimenopausal.

Issues faced by respondents by age

  • Age 35–44 : thinning hair, weight gain and mood swings are most common faced by every 1 in 2 women

  • Age 45–54 : weight gain, mood swings, fatigue and hot flashes are most common faced by every 1 in 2 women

  • Age 55–64 : hot flashes, weight gain and dry skin are most common faced by every 2 in 3 women.

Preferred solutions to resolve issues

87.5% of perimenopausal respondents are willing to make lifestyle changes and take supplemental nutrition to attend to the issues faced by them.

More than 75% respondents were willing to make lifestyle related changes in their day-to-day activities to tackle their wellness related issues; whereas 68% and 35% of the respondents were willing to take supplements or medical aid, respectively.

Priorities of women and their importance levels

Approach towards wellness

  • 72% respondents pursue their wellness actively. People who actively pursue their wellness, are more exploratory in terms of products and solutions that they use for their wellness.

  • People who are not satisfied with their wellness are willing to try out multiple solutions for their issues.

  • Percentage of dissatisfaction with current wellness levels is higher for divorced women with physical fitness being a priority.

  • Among the type of wellness methods, supplements take the lead with close to 50% women taking them on a daily basis

  • 77% of surveyed women are regular with physical exercise and 25% do it daily

  • Meditation is not a very common practice with 65% women saying they do it intermittently

Factors affecting personal wellness

Fitness: When asked about fitness, 43% of women believe that they are positively affected by their fitness whereas, 27% are negatively affected by their personal fitness.

Weight and BMI: 43% respondents believe that their weight negatively impacts their overall wellness. This is more pronounced with single or divorced women.

Emotional and Mental State: 40% of respondents believe that their current emotional and mental state, affect their wellness positively, whereas, 20% believe that it affects negatively. Higher income levels provide a better mental security and positively affect emotional wellness.

Stress and anxiety: 71% women are negatively affected by their current stress and anxiety levels. This negative impact reduces as age increases.

Relationship Status: 51% respondents feel that their current relationship status is affecting them positively. spiritual well-being is important for their overall wellness. 38% of women who are single, divorced or widowed feel that their relationship status is negatively affecting their overall wellness. Relationship status also moves from positively affecting wellness to neutral or negatively affecting it as age increases.

Finances: 31% of women are positively affected by their financial condition and 20% are negatively affected by their it.

Work-life Balance: 37% of women are positively affected by their work-life balance and 26% are negatively affected.

Intimacy and sex life: More than 50% women are unaffected by their sex life.

Wellness products: awareness and comfort

There is a scope for educating women about wellness related products with 41% saying they are curious about them. Whereas, More than half of the women stick to meditation, nutrition and exercise, with remainder open to exploring other solutions.

Wellness products: eastern Medicine and meditation Aids

38% women believe in eastern medicine and Ayurveda and another 48% are open to exploring it. While, 100% women who identified themselves as perimenopausal are either a believer or open to exploring eastern medicine.

On asking about the spiritual healing through meditation aids, 25% women believed in spiritual healing through meditation aids and another 53% are open to trying it. Whereas, 94% of women who identified themselves as perimenopausal either believe in spiritual healing or are open to exploring it through meditation aids.

Wellness products: issues & solutions

Immunity, digestion, hair and skin top the list of issues for which women use wellness products

Skincare, vitamins and supplements are the most common types of wellness products used by women. Only 13% women use organic edibles.

Wellness products: Distribution Channels

  • 63% women rely on guidance from their doctors to identify new wellness products, followed by advice from friends and family.

  • Referrals from friends and family is the top source of identifying wellness products for perimenopausal women with 69% saying so.

  • Searching the internet for relevant products is another major source with 63% perimenopausal women utilizing online channels for identifying wellness products.

Wellness products: Willingness to Spend and Deterrents

73% women would be willing to spend less than $100 per month for wellness related products.

On the other hand, perimenopausal women would be willing to spend slightly more with the distribution moving towards $100 — $500 range as well.

Lack of trust in the brand is the most common deterrent for women to purchase wellness related products. The same is true for perimenopausal women as well, with products being too expensive as the close second reason.

Buyer personas: wellness products

Enthusiasts and early adopters — perimenopause phase 2

Mainstream adopters — post menopause

Resistors — Pre-perimenopause or perimenopause phase 1

Market Sizing — USA

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