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Gramophone is a data-driven full-stack technology platform that makes farming intelligent and empowers farmers to double their income. A13 work directly with farmers and aim to improve their way of farming with the help of the right Agri-knowledge and technology. A13 work with farmers right from the pre-sowing stage to selling their crops, we help them produce more crops in scientific ways. is India’s largest and fastest-growing agri-commerce company. Focusing on food development and distribution, the company leverages innovative technology to scale and operate a complex supply chain from soil to sale.

Impact Created

- Empowers farmers to double their income
- Improves farming practices with the help of Agri-knowledge and technology
- Helps farmers produce more crops in scientific ways
- Works directly with farmers from pre-sowing stage to selling their crops
- Focuses on food development and distribution
- Operates a complex supply chain from soil to sale
- Leverages innovative technology to scale operations

UNDP Sustainable Development Goals

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