They have been working for plastic waste collection and recycling on an all India basis since 2013 and have been providing end to end solutions for managing waste to their clients. They have been collecting / recycling both pre and post-consumer waste all over India for the last 4 years. To address EPR obligations (Extended Producer Responsibility) under PWM 2016 (Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016), they have a tie-up with major beverages & other industries for their pre and post-consumer collection. At the end of the cycle, they are actively working with recyclers such as M/s Ganesha Ecosphere Limited (largest PET recycler in India with the capacity of more than 100,000 TPA) thus providing a complete circular economy from collection to the recycled end products.
Impact Created
- Working for plastic waste collection and recycling on an all India basis
- Providing end to end solutions for managing waste to their clients
- Collecting and recycling both pre and post-consumer waste all over India
- Addressing Extended Producer Responsibility obligations under Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016
- Tie-up with major beverages and other industries for pre and post-consumer waste collection
- Working with recyclers to provide a complete circular economy from collection to recycled end products